Welcome to episode 200! To mark this event Lee has a fascinating interview with Jim Longton, former senior executive, CEO/MD of major manufacturing businesses in the United Kingdom, USA, Portugal and South Africa.

Jim has had a long career starting in engineering in the 70’s, with experience of the turbulent working environment of poor industrial relations, change resistant work practices and aggressive uncooperative work environments. Jim was intrinsic in changing the culture of the places he worked by introducing a Participation Committee fostering communication between workers and management.
After a long career solving industrial relation problems and setting up and managing production environments, Jim is now available for Consulting, helping you do and achieve your aims and goals. If you need any help or advice implementing changes with regard to improving industrial relations, employee participation in continuous improvement, increasing productivity or total quality improvement - every area of your business, contact Jim and he will see if he can help.



After leaving school with one ‘o’ level due to undiagnosed dyslexia Jim started as a general engineer apprentice and gathered a Higher National Diploma.  When young in the 1970s, Jim experienced and witnessed very bad relations between workers and management.  Small issues led to disputes and weeks of strikes.  When Jim rose to a position of high enough influence he fostered cooperation and prevented stoppages and inefficiency by calming and increasing communication and problem solving between management and workers.  Jim has never left a job for another seeking higher wages. It has always been for new opportunities. Purpose is more important than payment.  Dosulting is consultation based on action. Having retired Jim will now only help people willing to commit to the process fully and respect their people.



So I went down to the pattern shop and I walked in and I  was completely amazed. This whole woodworking activity is going on in this huge engineering company.’ – Jim 

‘To me it was archaic the way the people spoke to each other, the way that Management reacted and supervisors etc.’ - Jim 

‘What gave you the confidence to try something different and to challenge the norm? – Lee

‘Once you can get rid and eliminate the suspicion, once they trust you, once they realise that they can talk to you and you’ll listen to them, there’s no problem. You’re pushing at an open door, it’s wide open. The problem is always middle management.’ – Jim

‘I knew we could do so much better in terms of meeting deliveries and quality of things and I was more or less getting there, I was right in the middle of firefighting.’ - Jim 

‘Why is everything always in Germany? The industrial revolution started and we did everything. In 1852 in the UK we made 90% of everything that was manufactured in the world.’ – Jim

‘The answer is no. Not unless you absolutely convince me that you are willing to do it. That you are willing to respect your people, talk to your people, take an interest in their needs and their problems because they don’t.’ - Jim 







Business Problems Solved Podcast         



For the last 15 years, I have been a multi-sector internal or external business improvement consultant, building the improved capability of individuals, teams and businesses.

In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two young children Jack & India. I also enjoy listening to and reading business & personal development material.

Lee Houghton is “THE Business Problem Solver”, a Management Consultant, CX Specialist and Keynote Speaker.



You can contact Lee Houghton on 07813342194

[email protected] 
