David Quick is a recovering bull in the china shop who uses his passion to help business leaders and their teams thrive. A 3-time CEO of rapid growth organizations, David helps leaders thrive by sharpening their focus on Vision, Values, Expectations, Engagement.

David’s executive coaching, live events, keynote presentations and group sessions all help leaders create powerful herds of high performing bulls. His no-BS communication style resonates with high performing leaders of all levels.

In my interview with David we learn about his journey to where he is today, helping bulls thrive in china shops. David helps business leaders harness the power of their herd while empowering them to be their best. We also chat about why when employees are not living up to their employer's expectations that it's the employers fault, not the employees. Lastly, we learn about some of the biggest leadership failures that he has seen and how they stifle potentially great performances.