Stress. Can you handle it? Because the truth is that the higher you climb on the ladder of success, the more stress you’ll experience. 


On Episode 23, Chris Collins, BigMike and host Jayme Foxx sit down to discuss their stress management strategies, tactics and tips. You’ll hear the Outlaws’ processes for dealing with stressful situations, why nutrition plays a bigger role in stress management than you might think, and why you should pay close attention to the people around you (hint: are they helping you through stressful situations or just adding unnecessary stress — a.k.a. drama — to your life?).


Check out this episode to hear the Outlaws dish on developing your “stress muscle” and building resilience in life and in business. Be sure to visit afterward to see full video of each episode plus other exclusive content, and get more from Chris, BigMike and Jayme by following them on Instagram: @ChrisBulldogCollins, @BigMike and @JaymeFoxx.

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