“Average IQ, high IQ, low IQ — the vision you have of yourself is the most important thing.” – Chris “Bulldog” Collins.

There’s no good excuse for allowing failure to succeed. But there sure are a lot of excuses you could make to excuse your past failures. Hosts BigMike Straumietis and Chris “Bulldog” Collins help you cut through the bullshit: “The most important element is how you see yourself,” says Chris. “And your ability to talk and communicate with people,” adds BigMike. 

It doesn’t matter how smart you are, at the end of the day it’s not your IQ that will determine your success. In fact, anyone can beat you if your head isn’t on the swivel. 

The Business Outlaws know from experience that smarts alone won’t propel you to the top of the heap. Emotional intelligence (EQ), the Outlaws insist, is far more important. Having a higher EQ will help you tailor your brand to your client’s desires, connect with your audience, and develop a deeper understanding of your true potential.

“How you see yourself is really your beliefs,” Chris continues. “What you believe becomes the driver to your actions,” and if you believe that you aren’t smart enough, strong enough, or fast enough, then that will become your reality. 

Fuck that noise in your head. Create and recalibrate your new reality. 

Tune in to Ep. 58 this week to learn how to develop a strong, keen and intuitive emotional intelligence that gives you a massive leg up on the competition. And check out more episodes on BusinessOutlaws.com to begin building the tools necessary to develop into a stronger entrepreneur today. 

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