Hello Architect Nation!

This morning, as usual, I went to the Crossfit gym where I work out with my wife and 6 - 7 other people.

Our coach was explaining today's workout, when suddenly he was interrupted by the deafening noise of the gas-powered blower the yard maintenance guy was using outside.

The Crossfit gym where I exercise is housed in a metal building.

Both of the rolling doors were up to let in the cool morning air.

Coach Devin crossed his arms with a smile, "Guess I'll have to wait until yard guy is done."

Eventually the noise from the blower died down as the yard guy walked away.

Coach Devin continued to explain the workout and I had a successful session sweating, grunting and in general torturing myself.

This experience with the noisy yard blower got me thinking - how often are we interrupted by figurative yard blowers throughout our day?

An unexpected phone call or an email sends me on a wild goose chase of being reactionary instead of pro-active.

What I'd have you consider today is this - where in your firm are you being distracted by the noisy blowers instead of focusing on the strategic moves that will put your firm on a solid and successful foundation for the future?

Where do you need to shut down the outside noise and focus on what matters?

Have you identified what matters?

The number one thing you can do to help your architecture firm in the future is to build a solid foundation now.

The DREAM Practice Accelerator is a program for architecture firm owners who want to build their dream firm - a firm that is in-demand and highly sought after because of the great work that you do.

To discover how to create your bullet-proof firm, click here and register for my next 60-minute DREAM Practice training.

Carpe diem.

Enoch Bartlett Sears