In this fascinating episode Jay is in conversation with Ahmed Khan, Property Entrepreneur, they discuss and share vital advice about how to begin in business and the mindset and methodology required to ensure growth and success. This podcast provides an informative insight into the successful journeys both Jay and Ahmed have taken in business.




If you are looking for an opportunity to begin a business consider;

choosing something that is tried and trusted
if there is someone who can teach you the process
if there are other people who can teach you how to do it


Communication is key across all areas if you are able to communicate your message in a clear and concise way with passion and commitment more doors will open.


When you are young you have a much lower risk - no family, no bills, no mortgage

and everyone wants to give back by helping the new young bloke. The challenges are that people don’t always take young people seriously and you don’t know as much.


When you’re in business you will get to a point where you can leverage and put in place systems to continue growth successfully. Technology can be effective in creating the necessary systems.


Make 3 lists - things done daily, weekly and monthly, review them to see what can be moved out of the daily list and how systems can support effective progress. When you gain back time through systems this can be reallocated to working on your business.


Dedicate time every day to work ON your business, not IN your business. This when you can look at the bigger picture and work on continuing to grow your business.


Being around successful people fosters a mindset that will lead you to think about how you can also be successful. The next step is to formulate a plan and begin to implement it.


Investing in a mentor demonstrates your personal commitment and signals that you are prepared to invest in yourself.


Mentors won’t give you a magic wand, but they can bring certainty. Mentors have seen the patterns and coupled with their own experiences bring the belief that it’s going to be alright as the cycle repeats.


Mentoring is only a good business if you want to help people out, there isn’t any leverage in mentoring as there are only 24 hours in a day. It has no scalability and is massively time intensive but it is hugely rewarding.




‘If you do it right with the right mindset you can see results quite quickly’


‘A very practical approach;  always ask ‘what’s the practicality of it?’


‘When you are younger your risk is lower, but you don’t know as much’


‘When you’re older the risk is higher, but you know more and have better contacts’


‘People who’ve gone through it know it’s a pattern, part of the economic cycle’


 ‘People don’t value it if its free’


‘One to one is powerful’


‘It’s nothing I created, someone taught me’








Jay Dhillon is a serial entrepreneur, investor and philanthropist based in the UK with a proven track record of growing businesses from start-up to success- and helping others do the same. From humble beginnings, Jay grew his first business from 0-500 employees and three locations, racking up sales of over £30 million – all without any investment other than a small amount of savings. The business went on to acquire major clients such as Landrover, Jaguar, Toyota and New Look, to name a few.

Its huge success inevitably brought about outside interest and at the age of 33, Jay eventually sold the company to a London investment firm in Doyen Resources. Today, Jay owns several businesses in different sectors and helps entrepreneurs achieve success.

A calling to give back and help others led to Jay being chosen for the highly-coveted role as a Prince’s Trust mentor, where his achievements were marked by a personal invitation to Buckingham Palace to meet Prince Charles.

After helping several young entrepreneurs to success as a mentor for the Trust, Jay’s burning desire to bring his wisdom and knowledge to a wider audience ultimately triggered the concept of The Business Mentor Podcast.

Jay feels that anyone can achieve success in business with the right advice and mentoring and is now sharing his knowledge with his growing audience via his podcast.

In the UK alone 95% of business fail within the first five years and Jay’s aim is to reduce that number.

Backed with the hard-earned knowledge and experience from his time in business, The Business Mentor Podcast will share Jay’s personal business lessons as well those of other successful entrepreneur guests who share their wisdom and secrets on the show.