In this episode Jay Dhillon shares 9 golden nuggets of knowledge from his meeting with the billionaire entrepreneur and one of the most successful online influencers in the UK, Grant Cardone.

These tips will add value to your business and give you something extra to 10X your further success. 


Grants asked me, “Could you handle £300.000.000? If someone gave you £300.000.000 could you handle it?”

Obviously I have answered, “Of course.”

Grant explains “This is why the £300.000.000 would be a problem! Because to fly an F16 jet, it takes years of training, experience gained through flying smaller planes, it just doesn’t happen over night.

The same with the £300.000.000. If I was to give you £300.000.000 you wouldn’t know what to do with it and probably you would blow it, instead than invest it wisely.”


Be efficient at making money! Always think about new ways to generate new sources of income. Invest your money wisely.


You can’t save yourself to success! You can’t save all your life extremely, hoping you will become rich one day. You need to invest your money wisely to generate new and more substantial income. 


An often question that Grant has to answer to is: “How do I become successful?” The knowledge is out there, he says. It always has been, you just need to put the effort into finding the right one. Teach yourself and read lots of books. They usually answer with “I don’t like reading!”

So, his next question is, “Do you like to be broke?”


Knowledge is right and it is wrong, Grants says. The right knowledge is powerful, but the wrong knowledge is powerful too, in a negative way. It is powerful because it can bring you down. 


 Money is everything, accept it! Grants says money is like oxygen and without it you can’t live, because for everything you need to pay.


You are the company that you keep! Grants again believes this is a myth. Take the time, invest and focus on yourself. Rich friends are not going to make you wealthy.


You should talk to strangers! Obviously this statement brought up some contradictions from parents who raise their kids teaching them not to approach strangers. Grants explains that before we got to know the people that today are important to us, they were strangers too, for example your wife or best friend or whomever you might think of. 


Don’t do what you love, follow the money! Some people may find this a bit absurd but if you hear Grants opinion you might change yours. Me, personally, when I started business, I didn’t like the industry I was in, but I was making money. That money allowed me to do the things I love and enjoy.


Start off small and build it step by step!

“I am going to prove to you why £300.000.000 isn’t good for you. Let me give an example: If I was to put you in an F16 jet, which is worth about £250.000.000 and ask you to fly it, that would make you feel uncomfortable.”

To be successful there are no shortcuts, you need to put the effort in and take actions. There is no easy way to become successful.

If you don’t approach new people, you will never expand the circle of people you know. You might miss out on some good values that they might have offered you.

If your passion doesn’t make you money, you need to follow the money because you will end up hating something once you used to love and enjoy.


 The Disruptive Entrepreneur

The 10X Rule

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Sell or Be Sold 


Jay Dhillon is a serial entrepreneur, investor and philanthropist based in the UK with a proven track record of growing businesses from start-up to success- and helping others do the same. From humble beginnings, Jay grew his first business from 0-500 employees and three locations, racking up sales of over £30 million – all without any investment other than a small amount of savings. The business went on to acquire major clients such as Landrover, Jaguar, Toyota and New Look, to name a few.

Its huge success inevitably brought about outside interest and at the age 33 Jay eventually sold the company to a London investment firm in Doyen Resources. Today, Jay owns several businesses in different sectors and helps entrepreneurs achieve success.

A calling to give back and help others led to Jay being chosen for the highly-coveted role as a Prince’s Trust mentor, where his achievements were marked by a personal invitation to Buckingham Palace to meet Prince Charles.

After helping several young entrepreneurs to success as a mentor for the Trust, Jay’s burning desire to bring his wisdom and knowledge to a wider audience ultimately triggered the concept of The Business Mentor Podcast.

Jay feels that anyone can achieve success in business with the right advice and mentoring and is now sharing his knowledge with his growing audience via his podcast.

In the UK alone 95% of business fail within the first five years and Jay’s aim is to reduce that number.

Backed with the hard-earned knowledge and experience from his time in business, The Business Mentor Podcast will share Jay’s personal business lessons as well those of other successful entrepreneur guests who share their wisdom and secrets on the show.


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