Okay, get this… did you know that people who have a clear vision of what they want their lives to look like in the future and feel connected to that vision ultimately have more fulfilling lives? Yup. Research shows that they save more, make better long-term decisions, and make overall better choices when it comes to living happier and healthier lives.* 


This explains something that I’ve understood experientially for years since I started using a mindset tool called the Future Self. I describe what it is and how to use it in a previous episode, and this week, I wanted to bring some other leaders onto the podcast to share their experiences with using this tool because people are having serious life-changing success with it. Sure, you can take my word for it that this thing works (and it does!), but the power of it becomes crystal clear when you hear from other high achievers who are using it.


Today, you’ll hear from five leaders within our organization who are using the Future Self – Erin Torres (COO of Hergenrother Realty Group), Michael Mergell (Director of Growth at Hergenrother Realty Group), Cari Heibel-Briner (President of Coaching at Adam Hergenrother Training), Hallie Warner (Chief of Staff at Adam Hergenrother Companies), and Caitlin Frauton (Director of Marketing at Adam Hergenrother Companies). 


Give a listen and let me know what you think. I dare you to not want to implement the Future Self in your own life after this one – it’s pretty much impossible after you’ve heard these 5 stories. And by the way, we provide the Future Self for free on our website and email it to you daily, so it couldn’t be simpler to start using.  


Lastly, we’re making a BIG announcement that we can’t wait to share with you!  


* If you’re interested in the emerging research that supports the importance of creating a Future Self, you can check out this Facebook Livestream (https://www.facebook.com/cari.heibel/videos/10219673661366377/?__tn__=C-R&eid=ARBPu6dddwt0YxR2ujnixnHmfwgZeIgbzN48C7NHXFVQol6V8GVrs4E8cmZd15jfmto7iMYMQxguFEJE&hc_ref=ARRvVK1e9vIwBri1PHTC3VRwT3hLRvQ5gJ_U7fWdkobfNrTAtjv6Kl4TjjdN1SJlEEY&fref=nf&__xts__[0]=68.ARAuUaRpimEpxbMq5B3DWnER7OCugPI4rhfmnRuH4Y3caOGCdTDlDxLQlMm8z356zvZWdT01RSiuCmSRTck6tz1fyn68CaLuMTZKKYdUm3XxpbSRkR0dmU8QIM7o6VRV0GaTgaRr9XJBSnAJVRlKFT5jlNgmkqGi-xN3p-6A7V8gNNuiOapmFmGis8n5HFuZTqW_Btw2DFEf_Sk-nU4En-7R3m_w0VZ1TIrvUe9-wzncG90WlB0GrJR7VHYXiI7P3coPQHDaLV7tYYBkT56sawPsrKCZYtBmRfpOCVKV90ff9evUQmGkTTgIz4SxZ8yx5LleoQdGHF2BZb_X_pDv) that Cari Heibel-Briner did with psychologist and best-selling author Dr. Benjamin Hardy, who wrote the books Why Willpower Doesn’t Work & Personality Isn’t Permanent. It’s a fascinating discussion!



The Future Self Challenge (http://adamhergenrother.com/challenge/)



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Okay, get this… did you know that people who have a clear vision of what they want their lives to look like in the future and feel connected to that vision ultimately have more fulfilling lives? Yup. Research shows that they save more, make better long-term decisions, and make overall better choices when it comes to living happier and healthier lives.* 


This explains something that I’ve understood experientially for years since I started using a mindset tool called the Future Self. I describe what it is and how to use it in a previous episode, and this week, I wanted to bring some other leaders onto the podcast to share their experiences with using this tool because people are having serious life-changing success with it. Sure, you can take my word for it that this thing works (and it does!), but the power of it becomes crystal clear when you hear from other high achievers who are using it.


Today, you’ll hear from five leaders within our organization who are using the Future Self – Erin Torres (COO of Hergenrother Realty Group), Michael Mergell (Director of Growth at Hergenrother Realty Group), Cari Heibel-Briner (President of Coaching at Adam Hergenrother Training), Hallie Warner (Chief of Staff at Adam Hergenrother Companies), and Caitlin Frauton (Director of Marketing at Adam Hergenrother Companies). 


Give a listen and let me know what you think. I dare you to not want to implement the Future Self in your own life after this one – it’s pretty much impossible after you’ve heard these 5 stories. And by the way, we provide the Future Self for free on our website and email it to you daily, so it couldn’t be simpler to start using.  


Lastly, we’re making a BIG announcement that we can’t wait to share with you!  


* If you’re interested in the emerging research that supports the importance of creating a Future Self, you can check out this Forbes article and this Facebook Livestream that Cari Heibel-Briner did with psychologist and best-selling author Dr. Benjamin Hardy, who wrote the books Why Willpower Doesn’t Work & Personality Isn’t Permanent. It’s a fascinating discussion!



The Future Self ChallengeYour Daily Future SelfThe Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment, by Eckhart Tolle

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Join Our Free Conscious Coaching Community

Facebook Group: Facebook.com/groups/JoinConsciousCoaching

Connect with Adam:

Facebook: Facebook.com/adamhergenrotherLinkedIn: Linkedin.com/company/hergenrother-enterprisesTwitter: Twitter.com/ahergenrotherInstagram: Instagram.com/ahergenrother


[4:37] When using any manifesting tool, it is really important to write out your goals and visions as though they have already happened. One of the reasons people have so much success with our Future Self Tool is because it is a way for them to practice this consistently and really think about how to get strategic toward specific outcomes.

[6:03] Erin set big goals for herself, and she shared her Future Self with her family and friends so they knew what she was working toward, and why she may say yes or no to certain things. She found that the more crystal clear she got on her future self, the more the tool made decisions for her.

[10:54] The Future Self helps us not only call in the tangible goals in our life such as cars, home, and finances but also the intangible goals that have the power to bring us joy and peace. 

[12:02] When you are having fun experiencing the present moment, you don’t need to try to pull more out of the moment and you can enjoy it for what it is. The moment is giving you everything you need, and all we need to do is just slow down to enjoy it.

[14:40] Michael has been using the Future Self, which he also calls the Six Pillars, for about a year and a half. While the blankness of the sheet gave him mild anxiety at first, he gave himself grace, and filling out space became a routine that he enjoyed immensely. The tool helped him turn down his fierceness and replace anger with a more conscious choice of non-conflict and stillness. This showed him that whatever is happening in the external world, we can still remain calm and peaceful when we do the work.

[24:13] Cari started using the Future Self six years ago, and one of the most powerful results was finding a morning routine that energized her and felt authentic to her goals and visions. She now is able to let the moment happen and relax into just “being” instead of feeling like she needs to be “doing.”

[33:33] Hallie found that the Future Self fits in her life in different ways over the eight to nine years she has been using it on and off. It brings her more depth within the present moment, instead of needing more from the experience.

[43:52] Caitlin took the Future Self Tool and created the Daily Future Self emails to create a community that would inspire people. Having access to daily emails create a consistent awareness both that the tool is there, and also that it really does create profound shifts when you use it.

[50:33] When we are more clear on the future outcomes we want, it’s easier to deal with tougher emotions and let them pass through rather than storing or masking them.

[54:13] When you go out and live your future self, you can fail forward and learn lessons that will move you more towards your authentic self.

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