There’s a lot happening in the world right now that could easily cause frustration – whether that’s not being able to do business in the way you’re used to, being cooped up at home, missing your normal routine, etc. That’s just the tip of the iceberg for a lot of people, right? 

Here’s the thing about frustration though – it only exists when you feel like you should be able to control something that you can’t. Frustration comes from feeling like you have a lack of control over external events. The irony is that it actually comes from you not being in control of your own emotions. Something inside of you is not okay, it’s hitting your stuff, and that’s why you’re frustrated. 

So what do you do about it? That’s what we talk about on this week’s episode. I share an example of how I was frustrated with my son recently, Hallie talks about being frustrated with her dog, and we explore how not to get lost in the emotion. Listen, frustration is real. It’s not good, it’s not bad. It just is. Here’s how you learn the lessons you need to in order to grow from it. 

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[0:45] There are a lot of events happening right now that are out of control.

[1:45] Where are your frustrations stemming from? It’s because you are not in control.

[3:45] Instead of seeing this as a ‘problem,’ see it as an event that is just happening.

[12:00] There’s something inside of you that is not okay. So what do you need to do to overcome this?

[13:15] The only way to heal is by staying in the moment of the emotion.

[15:25] Hallie has been experiencing frustrations with her dog misbehaving right now.

[17:45] What’s triggering you right now? Life is always this mirror that you need to look at.

[19:50] The lesson here is we need to work on ourselves.

[22:10] By taking a moment to really think and sit with your emotions, you can have major breakthroughs where it leads to where your entire way of thinking, being, has been disrupted.

[24:50] When you’re feeling frustrated, what is the lesson you need to take away from this?

[26:30] Do you have something that used to bother you, but doesn’t anymore? That’s the biggest benefit you will see in self-improvement.

There’s a lot happening in the world right now that could easily cause frustration – whether that’s not being able to do business in the way you’re used to, being cooped up at home, missing your normal routine, etc. That’s just the tip of the iceberg for a lot of people, right? 

Here’s the thing about frustration though – it only exists when you feel like you should be able to control something that you can’t. Frustration comes from feeling like you have a lack of control over external events. The irony is that it actually comes from you not being in control of your own emotions. Something inside of you is not okay, it’s hitting your stuff, and that’s why you’re frustrated. 

So what do you do about it? That’s what we talk about on this week’s episode. I share an example of how I was frustrated with my son recently, Hallie talks about being frustrated with her dog, and we explore how not to get lost in the emotion. Listen, frustration is real. It’s not good, it’s not bad. It just is. Here’s how you learn the lessons you need to in order to grow from it. 

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[0:45] There are a lot of events happening right now that are out of control.

[1:45] Where are your frustrations stemming from? It’s because you are not in control.

[3:45] Instead of seeing this as a ‘problem,’ see it as an event that is just happening.

[12:00] There’s something inside of you that is not okay. So what do you need to do to overcome this?

[13:15] The only way to heal is by staying in the moment of the emotion.

[15:25] Hallie has been experiencing frustrations with her dog misbehaving right now.

[17:45] What’s triggering you right now? Life is always this mirror that you need to look at.

[19:50] The lesson here is we need to work on ourselves.

[22:10] By taking a moment to really think and sit with your emotions, you can have major breakthroughs where it leads to where your entire way of thinking, being, has been disrupted.

[24:50] When you’re feeling frustrated, what is the lesson you need to take away from this?

[26:30] Do you have something that used to bother you, but doesn’t anymore? That’s the biggest benefit you will see in self-improvement.

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