Here’s the interesting thing about fear – when you’re actually faced with a moment where you need to survive (say being chased by a tiger or any modern life-or-death situation), your brain doesn’t have time to experience fear. You are forced by the reality of the situation to be 100% in the present moment and you just act – you’re barely thinking let alone being overwhelmed by a powerful emotion like fear. When your body is in true danger, it doesn’t have time to experience fear… it just has time for split-second decisions and actions. It’s only in the mind’s anticipation of a potentially uncertain or dangerous event where fear takes hold of us. 

Since most of us will never actually be chased by a tiger, it’s essential to understand the role that mind plays in activating your fears – especially in times like the current situation where there is a lot of fear being experienced on a global level. This episode will help you bring more mindfulness and consciousness to the experience of fear so you can move forward and lead from a place of clarity. 

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[1:35] People are experiencing a heightened level of fear, worldwide.

[2:00] Fear in itself is an illusion!

[3:35] You are creating a sensation in your mind that’s creating these thought patterns that you then become addicted to. Fear can create layers upon layers of ‘what if’ without any real resolution.

[5:00] When you’re actually experiencing the moment, you don’t feel anything. It’s the anticipation of a potential event that triggers your fears.

[10:20] We are always in a suffering state because we constantly strive to achieve something we don’t actually want.

[18:50] Everyone has a different threshold for fear, but during this time, everybody is on high-alert with what’s going on in the world.

[26:40] How do you know the things that you know? For example, how does your mind know you need to run faster?

[31:35] There is never any more or less of life. If you leave this world, all you’re doing is transferring the energy elsewhere.

[34:25] If you feel like fear is about to take over, use strategies like (3-2-1 Relax) to calm down and bring you to center.

[39:10] You have 100% complete control of changing the negative energy.

[42:20] Once you are aware of the fear, then you have the power to remove that fear.

[45:20] Fear will always try to pull you back because it’s comforting in a way. Our society is used to living in this fear state, but you can break out of that.

Here’s the interesting thing about fear – when you’re actually faced with a moment where you need to survive (say being chased by a tiger or any modern life-or-death situation), your brain doesn’t have time to experience fear. You are forced by the reality of the situation to be 100% in the present moment and you just act – you’re barely thinking let alone being overwhelmed by a powerful emotion like fear. When your body is in true danger, it doesn’t have time to experience fear… it just has time for split-second decisions and actions. It’s only in the mind’s anticipation of a potentially uncertain or dangerous event where fear takes hold of us. 

Since most of us will never actually be chased by a tiger, it’s essential to understand the role that mind plays in activating your fears – especially in times like the current situation where there is a lot of fear being experienced on a global level. This episode will help you bring more mindfulness and consciousness to the experience of fear so you can move forward and lead from a place of clarity. 

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[1:35] People are experiencing a heightened level of fear, worldwide.

[2:00] Fear in itself is an illusion!

[3:35] You are creating a sensation in your mind that’s creating these thought patterns that you then become addicted to. Fear can create layers upon layers of ‘what if’ without any real resolution.

[5:00] When you’re actually experiencing the moment, you don’t feel anything. It’s the anticipation of a potential event that triggers your fears.

[10:20] We are always in a suffering state because we constantly strive to achieve something we don’t actually want.

[18:50] Everyone has a different threshold for fear, but during this time, everybody is on high-alert with what’s going on in the world.

[26:40] How do you know the things that you know? For example, how does your mind know you need to run faster?

[31:35] There is never any more or less of life. If you leave this world, all you’re doing is transferring the energy elsewhere.

[34:25] If you feel like fear is about to take over, use strategies like (3-2-1 Relax) to calm down and bring you to center.

[39:10] You have 100% complete control of changing the negative energy.

[42:20] Once you are aware of the fear, then you have the power to remove that fear.

[45:20] Fear will always try to pull you back because it’s comforting in a way. Our society is used to living in this fear state, but you can break out of that.

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