‘It's not about measuring ourselves with a linear timeframe of age it's the challenge of measuring ourselves against the impact we are having on the world, the way in which we are moving forward and the energy we bring' 

Gavin is in conversation with Kul Mahay who is a specialist leadership coach. They explore the role of the leader and the social and emotional intelligence that can transform the ways in which we inspire, motivate and collaborate with others. 


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The greatest mistake we make as leaders is that we are driven by KPIs, performance and data. When we bring social and emotional intelligence to our roles we are able to transform the ways in which we motivate, collaborate and interact with others. Having been a senior leader for an extended period of time I understand and can empathise with leaders. To be an effective leader you have to become an effective leader of yourself understanding your own emotional intelligence. Once you master the art of inner leadership you master leadership. There are  4 quadrants of emotional intelligence; self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management within these, there are a further 24 competencies. Anyone can develop their emotional intelligence but you do have to be prepared to work on it. It's only when we understand where we are now that we can identify the areas we need to improve on. Completing an emotional intelligence assessment can give you a basis from which you can then move forward. The culture of the organisation can be equated to the personality of the organisation. What is the impact your company has on your customers, what do they say about you? We want to be in a place where we are developing ‘raving fans' but to do this we need to have a full and proper relationship with everyone we come into contact with. When you begin a business you are very task orientated, when you are a leader with a team of staff you need to be able to take a ‘helicopter' overview. This will enable you to see what is happening including the outward ripple effect. The strategic view is very important and it requires discipline to ensure you regularly review and adjust your strategic plans for success. The world is constantly changing, it is currently changing at a rate that is faster than we have ever known and it's your ability to adapt that is key in this world. 




‘The truth is we are impacting on other people's lives all the time' 

‘Leadership can be lonely and leaders have to make decisions' 

‘ It takes work to keep it at exceptional' 

‘If we have become complacent in our lives then in business you will be falling behind your competitors' 

You can nurture your emotional intelligence' 



The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People book by Stephen Covey 

The Chimp Paradox book by Prof. Steve Peters 

[email protected]  

Kul Mahay LinkedIn 

Kul Mahay Twitter 

Kul Mahay Instagram 



Kul Mahay 

Kul served for 32 years in the UK police service, of which two-thirds were spent at a leadership level.  In his life as a police leader, he has overseen complex and varied departments and commanded critical and major operational scenarios.     

He has been coaching leaders for over 20 years and now works with a global client base of business owners and senior leaders, using his unique style to help them to not only further their leadership potential but to feel more fulfilled, despite the challenges of their roles.   

Kul has worked with police forces, universities, fire services and the oil industry in the UK, UAE, Qatar, India and Ukraine to help develop empowered cultures.  His passion for leadership is evident in everything that he does.  His personal coaching client base has spanned the globe.    

He is the founder of one of the fastest growing inner leadership events in the UK, IGNITE YOUR INNER POTENTIAL™, which is held annually and has grown to 400 attendees in just two years with an attendance growth rate of 100% a year.   

Kul is also the author of the popular book, ‘Smash the Habit,' which draws on his experience of overcoming long-held habits. He believes that physical habits are just symptoms of mind habits.  He now coaches, speaks and trains on the art of leadership internationally. 



Gavin Preston 

Gavin is an inspirational Speaker, Business Strategist, Business Growth Mentor, Trainer and high-performance Coach.  He works with Business Owners and Entrepreneurs and has a strong track record in creating creative strategies to accelerate the growth of their business. He has helped hundreds of SME business owners and leaders improve their performance and that of their business and a comparable number of executives and employees in blue-chip corporates over the last 20 years. 

Gavin's energetic, insightful and yet down to earth and practical talks, workshops and coaching is in demand with high growth business between £250,000 and £30 million revenue and with multi-national organisations at all levels from Board to frontline Managers. He is an expert in Business Growth Strategies, Peak Performance Mindset, Persuasion & Engagement, Marketing, Productivity, Leadership Development, Team Development & Motivation, Leading Change, Stakeholder Management, Personal Effectiveness and Behavioural Change. 



Gavin Preston Website 

Gavin Preston LinkedIn 

Gavin Preston YouTube 

Gavin Preston Facebook 

Gavin Preston Twitter 

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