Gavin talks to fellow podcast and scale-up specialist, Nick Bradley, the host of Scale Up Your Business.

Nick is an expert on planning for your business's future, and while COVID-19 may have put a pause to many business plans for 2020, there are always aspects you can be proactively working on.

It's an engaging, practical conversation that'll give you a multitude of ideas to carry forward into your next business day!

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Now is most certainly a time to be consuming positivity in any form. The news can be informative, but it is also sensationalised, and tends to adhere to an agenda.Instead of focusing on the end point to this, we should be marking our progress incrementally. Measure your journey through this in moments, days, weeks, and not as entire experience.The main risk to your business is not taking care of yourself, and running yourself into the ground. Taking care of ourselves will allow us the energy and clarity to add value at the right time.All bailouts and aid must be repaid eventually, so it is prudent to remain active, and to do our part to bolster business in this time. Be proactive, not complacent.The businesses coping best right now are the ones focussing upon their employees, upping their games in terms of customer service, and looking for the opportunities instead of dwelling on the negatives.


'Slow down to speed up'

‘Mindset is about giving yourself the presence, the clarity and the focus to know what to do, and then take action!'

'This is now is about family, contribution and community'

‘Our actions as employers, suppliers and leaders during this time will define us, and will be remembered'

‘It doesn't matter what your business model is, there's another way of doing it'



The Business Mastermind Podcast 

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Scale Up Your Business Podcast -

Get your free copy of Gavin Preston's invaluable guide now - 'Keep Your Boat Afloat: Business Survival Guide For COVID-19 Times' at:

To contact Gavin about how he can help you and your business, email [email protected]



Nick Bradley

Having successfully built, bought and sold a number of companies, Nick removed himself from day-to-day operations, his focus turning to helping entrepreneurs get to where they want to be, in business and in life. As well as investing in growth businesses and backing turnarounds - with the ultimate aim of creating value from significant capital events.

Nick is passionate about personal and professional development - showing up and being the best version of himself ... every day.

Nick's bigger vision is to help bring entrepreneurial skills, experience and mindset to people in developing nations - so they can follow their dreams, live life more on their terms - utilising entrepreneurship as a global force for good.



Gavin Preston


Gavin is an inspirational Speaker, Business Strategist, Business Growth Mentor, Trainer and

high-performance Coach.  He works with Business Owners and Entrepreneurs and has a strong track record in creating creative strategies to accelerate the growth of their business. He has helped hundreds of SME business owners and leaders improve their performance and that of their business and a comparable number of executives and employees in blue-chip corporates over the last 20 years.

Gavin's energetic, insightful and yet down to earth and practical talks, workshops and coaching is in demand with high growth business between £250,000 and £30 million revenue and with multi-national organisations at all levels from Board to frontline

Managers. He is an expert in Business Growth Strategies, Peak Performance

Mindset, Persuasion & Engagement, Marketing, Productivity, Leadership

Development, Team Development & Motivation, Leading Change, Stakeholder

Management, Personal Effectiveness and Behavioural Change.



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