Chris Lowe has run a national team for many years, and along the way has gained a wealth of experience in areas such as how to get the best from your team and how to better improve the customer experience for clients.

In this week's show, Chris shares the three things that you can do to bring your post-furloughed sales team back up to speed, and improve their performance!

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The first exercise must be to look at the team itself and attempt to ascertain what it is that sets the top performers apart from those who are less successful. What are the specific qualities and activities that elevate them?We must ensure that our KPIs and metrics are appropriate and valuable. If we chastise our top performers for not meeting box-ticking exercises, then we risk disheartening or even losing our core sales strength.The best way to make sure our sales team is “match ready” after this period of furlough, is to talk to them each individually. We need to find out how each and every person is feeling, and what concerns they may have.Sales targets upon return to work must be set conservatively. Don't stretch too far. There will be many opportunities, but we must be realistic in terms of prospects.


'You've got to follow proven models that will increase your chances of taking someone on a journey to a “yes” decision'

‘People sell what they love most'

‘Motivation and confidence links directly to performance'

‘You have to focus on it. You have to measure it. You have to coach it. You have to support it'



The Business Mastermind Podcast 

Chris Lowe LinkedIn -

[email protected]

Call Chris on 07818 015317



Gavin Preston


Gavin is an inspirational Speaker, Business Strategist, Business Growth Mentor, Trainer and

high-performance Coach.  He works with Business Owners and Entrepreneurs and has a strong track record in creating creative strategies to accelerate the growth of their business. He has helped hundreds of SME business owners and leaders improve their performance and that of their business and a comparable number of executives and employees in blue-chip corporates over the last 20 years.


Gavin's energetic, insightful and yet down to earth and practical talks, workshops and coaching is in demand with high growth business between £250,000 and £30 million revenue and with multi-national organisations at all levels from Board to frontline

Managers. He is an expert in Business Growth Strategies, Peak Performance

Mindset, Persuasion & Engagement, Marketing, Productivity, Leadership

Development, Team Development & Motivation, Leading Change, Stakeholder

Management, Personal Effectiveness and Behavioural Change.




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