Previous Episode: BLS Minute - Lisa Binderow

How do you go from being voted “Most Likely to Go
to Jail” by your peers, fabricating stories about
celebrity girlfriends and crashing Mafia-owned Corvettes
to a devoted husband and father who helps entrepreneurs
and executives discover their truest and best selves?

Dr. Andy Garrett knows that story well, growing up as a
spirited but deeply empty child. Following a brush with
death at the tender age of nine, Andy struggled with in authenticity,
shame, and an insatiable need for attention in
his youth, conforming his personality and identity to whatever
he thought would make people like him. “I once
made up a story I was dating Alyssa Milano,” he now
chuckles. “Just to try to impress some friends.”

Even as he battled internal desolation from one part of his
family, Andy found solace and an exemplar of authenticity
elsewhere in another. As the grandson of Carl Karcher,
founder of Carl’s Jr. fast food restaurants, Andy enjoyed a
special relationship to a man of great depth, love, principle
and family devotion.

Though his teenage and young adult years grew increasingly
out of control - wild partying, substance abuse and
reckless behavior - he could not outrun the faithful, loving
example laid down by his grandfather. When the madness
of adolescence ran out of energy, Andy could still remember
the safe and secure presence of Carl.

A difficult season of renewal followed, as Andy struggled
with identity and shame. But he found redemption through
training as a psychologist, walking himself through the
steps to become authentic and purpose-driven. It led to a
huge transformation and the creation of AG-Thrive, Andy’s
counseling and coaching hybrid that leads people through
the themes and exercises that help them to discover their
own purpose and authentic identity.

A licensed psychologist and life coach, Dr. Andy Garrett
invested decades of his life into understanding and codifying
the intuitive spiritual essence of authenticity into an
organized, research-backed, defined and modulated
personal growth course - Your Authentic Growth Blueprint.

Get Andy’s FREE Exercise HERE:

Get Andy’s FREE Exercise HERE:

Register to Start Your Authentic Growth Blueprint HERE:

FOLLOW Dr. Andy Garrett and AG-Thrive:
