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The quickest way to innovate is to take lessons from one world and apply them in another. Jenny Davis was the fastest woman in Scottish sprint cycling. Representing her country in both Dehli 2010 Commonwealth Games, winning a silver medal, and Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games. She truly understands what it takes to plan, train, compete, and thrive on the track.
Jenny takes these same lessons to help entrepreneurs and business leaders lead their teams through crisis and change. To stop the ‘running around like headless chickens’, high stress, out of control chaotic feeling in their teams, businesses and personal lives. Instead, she helps them gain calm and control, by taking those core sporting principles and applying them to business. Using timeless principles such as the Change Curve, 80/20 Principle, Marginal Gains and the Compound Effect she has successfully created and led change management and continuous improvement programs from as small a team as 5 people up to business units of 1500+ across two FTSE 100 companies in different industries. Her work focuses on making things easier, better, faster and cheaper for businesses and their customers and colleagues. Simplifying, removing waste,frustration and creating structure and clarity for stability, growth and scaling.

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