Train the Brain- learn easier, think faster,perform better at any age; 80 centers, 46 countries with Kim Hanson CEO of LearningRx a Colorado Springs based franchise. Discover if you or your child has a learning challenge, give the gift of brain training so that they can learn better, easier, and faster.

How it started-

Dr. Ken Gibson, a pediatric optometrist who developed the LearningRx process. He really started out wanting to answer a question, and that question was, how can you be smart and still struggle to read?
As a child, himself, he was off the charts when it came to, like, logic and reasoning, and a lot of things that we look at today and know what IQ is, but he really struggled to read. And so, there was this mystery as to how can you be smart and yet struggle? He is a genius at systems and taking research and wisdom from the field, but then making it practical and putting it into, like, this system that he devised.

When did Kim become involved?

When I was two years old, he put me in a high chair and he taught me 800 words off flash cards. We know today that that’s not a good way to do it, but it’s a great party trick. So, when I was four, I became his partner.

Kim’s story-

I loved to draw as a kid, and so my dad also one day said, “You know what? You should make some greeting cards.” So, I went and I worked on it and drew them. And I said, “Okay, here they are, Dad.” And so, we went to the printer. We looked at the different costs. We had them printed up. And I thought, “Great, I have greeting cards.” And then, when we got home, he said, “Well, now you have to go sell them.” I was 9 years old. As a 15-year old, I became the first one-on-one trainer.
He’d always tell me, “You need to come back and work for me. You need to come back and work for me.” And so, when they moved to Colorado, it was just the right timing, the right timing for them, the right timing in my life, and so that’s when I joined. It was about a year before we started franchising. Before that, we just licensed our program to doctors, and specialists, and hospitals.


When I trained them, you know, I think the first moment that I realized the power of what my dad’s program, you know, could do in someone’s life was actually when I got to college, because I had trained a lot of students. And I’d seen it in their life, but I remember the first time I had huge empathy was in college. I had a friend, and she would study so hard. She’s study, like, four, six, eight times harder than everyone else.
No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn’t get the grade she wanted.

Process and Understanding

How does the individual know or even discover that they have a learning challenge, and how do they reach out to you guys, and what’s your recommendation to them?
There are seven underlying skills. Most people don’t know that. There’s also two parts to smart.
There’s what you know, which is what the school focuses on, but then there’s also how you process information. It’s like your attention, and your memory, and how you see things visually, how you process them auditorily. And so, what we do is we look at those seven skills, and we See where someone’s strengths and weaknesses are. And then, we can pinpoint why they’re having a struggle.
What’s difficult about tutoring is that you’re re-teaching what they didn’t get the first time, right? So you’re re-teaching content. But, a lot of times, what will happen is you reteach it and they still don’t get it.


Train the Brain- learn easier, think faster,perform better at any age; 80 centers, 46 countries with Kim Hanson CEO of LearningRx a Colorado Springs based franchise. Discover if you or your child has a learning challenge, give the gift of brain training so that they can learn better, easier, and faster.

How it started-

Dr. Ken Gibson, a pediatric optometrist who developed the LearningRx process. He really started out wanting to answer a question, and that question was, how can you be smart and still struggle to read?
As a child, himself, he was off the charts when it came to, like, logic and reasoning, and a lot of things that we look at today and know what IQ is, but he really struggled to read. And so, there was this mystery as to how can you be smart and yet struggle? He is a genius at systems and taking research and wisdom from the field, but then making it practical and putting it into, like, this system that he devised.

When did Kim become involved?

When I was two years old, he put me in a high chair and he taught me 800 words off flash cards. We know today that that’s not a good way to do it, but it’s a great party trick. So, when I was four, I became his partner.

Kim’s story-

I loved to draw as a kid, and so my dad also one day said, “You know what? You should make some greeting cards.” So, I went and I worked on it and drew them. And I said, “Okay, here they are, Dad.” And so, we went to the printer. We looked at the different costs. We had them printed up. And I thought, “Great, I have greeting cards.” And then, when we got home, he said, “Well, now you have to go sell them.” I was 9 years old. As a 15-year old, I became the first one-on-one trainer.
He’d always tell me, “You need to come back and work for me. You need to come back and work for me.” And so, when they moved to Colorado, it was just the right timing, the right timing for them, the right timing in my life, and so that’s when I joined. It was about a year before we started franchising. Before that, we just licensed our program to doctors, and specialists, and hospitals.


When I trained them, you know, I think the first moment that I realized the power of what my dad’s program, you know, could do in someone’s life was actually when I got to college, because I had trained a lot of students. And I’d seen it in their life, but I remember the first time I had huge empathy was in college. I had a friend, and she would study so hard. She’s study, like, four, six, eight times harder than everyone else.
No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn’t get the grade she wanted.

Process and Understanding

How does the individual know or even discover that they have a learning challenge, and how do they reach out to you guys, and what’s your recommendation to them?
There are seven underlying skills. Most people don’t know that. There’s also two parts to smart.
There’s what you know, which is what the school focuses on, but then there’s also how you process information. It’s like your attention, and your memory, and how you see things visually, how you process them auditorily. And so, what we do is we look at those seven skills, and we See where someone’s strengths and weaknesses are. And then, we can pinpoint why they’re having a struggle.
What’s difficult about tutoring is that you’re re-teaching what they didn’t get the first time, right? So you’re re-teaching content. But, a lot of times, what will happen is you reteach it and they still don’t get it.

Tactics and observations-

We get a lot of students that have difficulty learning to read, and it’s because they have low auditory processing skills. And you can have logic and reasoning off the charts, but have, you know, have a hard time blending, segmenting, and analyzing sounds, which is the number one skill that you need to have when you’re learning to read. And so that can be a stopping block.
The other thing would be attention. We see so many kids that have attention issues. Most people don’t know, too, that there’s three types of attention. There’s just how long you can do something. It’s can you do it without being distracted? And then, can you do more than one thing at a time? Well, we work on all three attentions.


80 franchises now
46 countries
 We are actually about to hit a milestone this year where we have trained, we’re really close to 100,000 brains. 

How Families Benefit

When you have a struggling kid, it’s the whole family, really, that suffers, typically. It’s not just the person struggling. It really does affect the family. And so, what’s kinda cool is every time you’ve changed or trained a brain, you’ve also helped a whole family unit.
Here’s the thing, is you’re not stuck. And I think that people think that you’re stuck. You know what I mean? You slap a label on it and you’re stuck, but it’s not true. In fact, every study on the brain in the last 40 years has shown that you can improve these underlying skills. So, to me, it’s a gift that every parent should give to their child.
The first thing is stop wondering, stop worrying at night, and find out why. Find out what’s causing it. Even if you don’t do brain training, at least know why. And it’s so easy to do. It’s just calling up, getting a cognitive assessment.

Franchise Information-

Enter and just click on open a center, and it’ll take you into our how to find a franchise or start a franchise. So we have webinars. We have a lot of information there. You can start just by emailing us.

Kim’s Goals for LearningRx-

Well, I told you we’re about to hit that milestone of 100,000 brains trained. My tenure target is to triple that. I would love to see 300,000 brains trained. And so, that means a lot more students in our centers, and it means a lot more centers.


We have over 20 plus studies that are either finished or ongoing. 35 years of research that we’re working from.

Why not give the gift?

Why not give a gift, like brain training, to your child so that they can learn better, easier, and faster? It just makes sense.
It truly is a gift, some might say and investment.

How to reach LearningRx


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