
Many small business owners understand they should choose a niche market but are hesitant to do so. Matt Hoffman, president of Frontline Technology, LLC specializes in non-profits.  When most managed service providers are going after the big companies, non-profits face many of the same security and maintenance issues. Hear what choosing a niche and going after it has done for Matt’s business.


Matt knew he liked technology and was also called into ministry. He explains how he developed a career being able to blend the two interests.

At one time churches were not targeted for security breaches related to technology. Today private information surrounding financial donation records or counseling notes could be at risk if systems are not protected. 

Well-meaning volunteers may be versed in technology for their home but aren’t educated how to provide security for a larger organization. When something goes wrong there may be a challenge with their accessibility.

Identifying a niche does not preclude you from doing business with others. Identifying a niche will help your ideal client find you. 

Who is watching your wireless network when you aren’t there? Have you protected yourself from others pulling up outside your building to use the WIFI...and possibly compromising your system?

Avoid using public WIFI as it opens up your system to vulnerabilities. Instead, invest in a VPN. 

Most small businesses think they can’t afford an IT company. Affordable packages are available starting as low as $20/month.

Want to learn more about Frontline Technology, LLC?

Check out their website:
Phone (((866) 944-4044
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