In this episode, Jeff Elder shares the reason for the delay in releasing new episodes and announces the change in the podcast's name to The Kingdompreneur. He reflects on his personal and business changes and how he sought God's direction. Jeff discusses hitting the pause button and trusting God during this season. He explains the shift in his business focus towards providing spiritual guidance for Christian entrepreneurs. Jeff emphasizes the importance of aligning business strategies with scripture and navigating the marketplace as a believer. He shares his vision of becoming a pastor to Kingdompreneurs and helping them lay a biblical foundation for their businesses. Jeff also highlights the topics he will cover in future episodes, including spiritual warfare, spiritual gifts, and the impact of business for the Kingdom of God.


Seeking God's direction and trusting Him in times of change and uncertainty is crucial.Aligning business strategies with scripture is essential for Christian entrepreneurs.Navigating the marketplace as a believer can be challenging, but with spiritual guidance, it is possible to thrive.Building a biblical foundation for business and focusing on impact over profit can lead to Kingdom impact.


00:00 Introduction and Podcast Changes

01:01 Reflecting on Changes and Seeking God's Direction

03:06 Shifting Business Focus to Spiritual Guidance

05:22 Navigating the Marketplace as a Christian Entrepreneur

06:00 Aligning Business Strategies with Scripture

07:46 Becoming a Pastor to Kingdompreneurs

09:09 Laying a Biblical Foundation for Business

10:13 Clarity and Spiritual Growth

11:00 Addressing Spiritual Warfare and Spiritual Gifts

11:29 Impact Over Profit: Kingdom Impact

12:16 Withstanding the Enemy and Invading the Marketplace for Christ

12:58 Conclusion and Looking Forward