About Stuart:

Stuart Brauer is a 20-year student of the fitness industry - having been involved in large chain, big box gyms and independently owned studios/gyms. He owns his own microgyma (Urban MVMNT) in Charlotte, NC, but his full time job is creating no-BS content and consulting with gym owners to un-f*ck their business. You can hear all about his unique business model and especially his guerrilla marketing strategies on the WTF Gym Talk - an all-round resource for everyone looking for information on how to grow a real fitness business.

In this episode, Michael spoke with Stuart about:

Stu talks about how to navigate Covid in the gym and with other fitness clients Importance for gym owners to be passionate about fitness and coaching Become critically thinking business owners and entrepreneurs The importance and value of getting perspective as a gym owner Ability to make unbiased evidence based decisions Marketing strategies from Stu

About Stuart:

Stuart Brauer is a 20-year student of the fitness industry - having been involved in large chain, big box gyms and independently owned studios/gyms. He owns his own microgyma (Urban MVMNT) in Charlotte, NC, but his full time job is creating no-BS content and consulting with gym owners to un-f*ck their business. You can hear all about his unique business model and especially his guerrilla marketing strategies on the WTF Gym Talk - an all-round resource for everyone looking for information on how to grow a real fitness business.

In this episode, Michael spoke with Stuart about:

Stu talks about how to navigate Covid in the gym and with other fitness clients Importance for gym owners to be passionate about fitness and coaching Become critically thinking business owners and entrepreneurs The importance and value of getting perspective as a gym owner Ability to make unbiased evidence based decisions Marketing strategies from Stu