About Charlie:

Charlie Deist is a master-level MovNat trainer, licensed captain and sailing instructor in the San Francisco Bay Area. Inspired by the "natural method" fitness philosophy of French naval officer Georges Hébert, he incorporates principles of efficient movement into his training – whether the students are learning to sail in the strong winds of San Francisco Bay, or attending his outdoor natural movement classes.

He is the author/editor of several books including *Hormetics: Physical Fitness for Free People,* *Three Sheets to the Wind: The Art of Flying Spinnaker,* and most recently, *The New Strongman Code: Building Resilient Fitness Community in the Post-COVID Era." He lives in Berkeley with his wife Emma, and 1-year-old daughter Clare.

In this episode, Michael and Charlie discussed:

Business culture Values Embracing change Reaching your fitness potential

Mentioned in the Episode:

Unicorn Society Business Coaching Level MovNat