Digital training and online courses are the hottest new thing. Everything is online now. You can reach people globally, materials are right at users fingertips. It’s a win/win right? ​Maybe not. More and more people are running their lives through their phones. If your courses aren’t properly optimized for smartphones, you could be losing money. […]

The post Optimize Your Digital Training and Online Courses for the Mobile, Smartphone World, With Isaac Tolpin first appeared on Business Creators Radio Show with Adam Hommey.

Digital training and online courses are the hottest new thing. Everything is online now. You can reach people globally, materials are right at users fingertips. It’s a win/win right?

​Maybe not. More and more people are running their lives through their phones. If your courses aren’t properly optimized for smartphones, you could be losing money.

In this episode, Isaac Tolpin, joins Adam to discuss the importance of mobile optimization and how you can easily optimize your online training courses.

The post Optimize Your Digital Training and Online Courses for the Mobile, Smartphone World, With Isaac Tolpin first appeared on Business Creators Radio Show with Adam Hommey.