“If it is not written down, it is not a plan.” I would like to attribute that quote to someone, but after a reasonable Google search, I cannot. Nonetheless, I have heard the phrase and repeated it many times. The phrase makes sense for two basic reasons. First, writing something down is a fundamental way to rethink and confirm a thought process and decision. Second, it is difficult to communicate using only an oral means of communication. I rarely have anyone contest these observations.


Documenting a business plan in writing can be a formidable task. As with many formidable tasks, it can be a point for procrastination to occur. This tends to happen when the production of the plan documentation takes priority over the initiation of the plan. Most of us are familiar with spectacular plan documentation which has not escaped from a three-ring notebook or a PowerPoint presentation. On the other hand, if the plan format is dynamic, this does not occur.