Most would immediately doubt the wisdom of a plan to place a building on the top of an active volcano. Yet, a majority of businesses consisting of more than one owner are built on a base that will erupt like a volcano. As with the volcano, the exact time of eruption or how much lava will flow cannot be predicted, but a major disagreement among business owners is probable and can erupt to destroy a business. There are things that can be done to keep the eruption from occurring.

If you have built a business on the volcanic base of unexpressed assumptions and inadequate communication, all is not lost. Of course, if you do nothing, then the passage of time and the disruption from a major disagreement will determine your fate. But you can prevent a future disaster by starting to communicate with your fellow owners. This takes serious work from each owner, but that work will strengthen the base for the business. If after reading this you need help to start, guidance can be had for as little as $100 (

The effectiveness of the decision-making procedure of a private business is dependent upon the ability of the owners to articulate their values. Many private businesses do not have specified decision-making procedures, and the idea of expressing values is not commonly recognized. Owners can develop the ability to articulate values, first to themselves and then to one another.

Where values are not defined or articulated, owners will still have a sense of what they are. Decisions (express or implied) that conflict with the owner's values will not seem right and not be satisfying to the owner. Most owners are only vaguely aware of the standards and concerns that compose their personal value systems. Most unthinkingly embrace an array of normative standards to which they assume most people adhere. Few have consciously attempted to resolve the tension that inevitably arises when those standards and concerns conflict with the expressed or unexpressed decisions of the business. That tension can lead to unresolved business disputes that tear the business apart.