How Can Apples and Oranges be the Same Price

You can't compare apples with oranges and that's what it comes down to. We've been told this time and time again, don't compare apples with oranges. But the problem is people know what an apple looks like and people know what an orange looks like, but people don't know when they've bought a lemon. Pretty clever what I did there, I thought. Anyway, what are we going to be talking about is removing and unveiling what's behind the curtains. This comes down to any service that isn't really tangible and you are led to believe that the person that you've got doing the service is doing a good job. Now, these can be bookkeepers, accountants, solicitors, lawyers, or anything like that. IT people, marketers, SEO people, SCM people, ad-words people, all these people. Unless you're in the industry and you can double-check and cross-check what they're doing, you don't really know if the voodoo that they do is any good.

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