This week I interviewed my friend Kevin Ortner. Kevin is the president and CEO of Renters Warehouse.  During this 30 minute conversation Kevin and I discussed everything from the actual single family rental market, marketing and showing activity, and where he sees it going from here. It was nice to have a discussion with Kevin that was positive. 

Renters warehouse felt an obvious dip in late March, but Kevin's opinion is that they already see April rebounding. Both Kevin and I think that we are going to have a good summer, but we also know some of the things we've experienced will have lasting implications. 

This interview is one of our weekly webinars that REI masterminds has for its members. In response to the Coronavirus outbreak, I've made REI masterminds free until the end of May. All you have to do is visit and click on mastermind. 

Renters Warehouse manages my rental property, and I highly recommend them. If you would ever want a personal introduction to them, please reach out to me. I am always happy to refer you to the people that I work with directly in my business. 

I hope everyone staying safe, and finding positive lights during this strange time.  As for me, I've been focused on spending more time with my family, of course cooking a lot of barbecue, and I've even been working on some of my flip projects myself. I have found it refreshing to get involved in the projects again, catch up on what material costs have done, and build things with my hands. 

Keep Cookin!

Tim Herriage