The topic of this episode of the Business and BBQ Podcast is leading with value. Many people go through life just looking for what they want and need, expecting everyone else to help them on their timetable while never helping others. Tim provides tips for not being this way, but instead viewing every interaction as an opportunity to provide value to someone else.

Don’t be a sponge – Sponges only take and never give, like someone who tells you upfront that they are only working for you so they can learn everything they need to know to start their own business. Instead, you should work as hard as you can to help and provide value for others, building their business as you work for them and then focusing on learning.Don’t be selfish – Show care and concern about others’ needs. Don’t be a steamroller – rolling along the path that you want for yourself without regard for anyone else along the way. If you need help with something or want to pick someone’s brain about a topic they know well, think about what the best way would be to approach them about it that would be helpful to them as well. Think about what you can do for them before asking them for something.Share the wealth – Once you have received value from someone, you have the obligation to share what you have learned with others. Be willing to talk with others who are trying to walk the path you are on and give them ideas or pointers as they find their way. People will treat you the way you treat them, so be kind, giving, and sharing.

Be sure to tune in next week for a conversation with Tim’s mentor, Ken, about personalities, team building, and learning from mistakes. And if you are in the Dallas area and you’re interested in taking your real estate investing to the next level, go to the REI Masterminds website for more information about the upcoming event in Rockwall!


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