In this episode

Today I want to share with you something that came up for me this week with one of my coaches so get ready for a raw and real episode. My intention with sharing this is that I want you to know that the journey is ongoing - there's no end point and therefore, there's no expectation that you should or shouldn't be at a certain point on yours. With this activity that you'll hear about, i was able to step back and see the message that my life has had for me up until this point and it was nothing short of cathartic. I want you to understand that your life holds a message too and if you take time to do the work, you might just be able to see it. 

The links

Find out how to create a soul-aligned private practice here. 

Learn how to set your session fees and implement them in a way that is aligned with your soul vision and values, here. 

Check out the website here and we can connect