In this episode

As a soul-led women in private practice, you can often feel constrained or restricted in your business by the belief that your work must be evidence-based in order for it to be effective in facilitating outcomes for your clients. And I totally understand why you might think that when everyone around you is talking about things like CBT, ACT, Behavioural approaches and more. But if it were true that evidence-based approaches were effective in achieving outcomes for clients, then all clients that received an evidence-based intervention would have experienced improvements in their wellbeing and we all know that just isn't true. But do therapists in private practice that do achieve outcomes and effect positive change for clients all have in common? 

This is what we are going to discuss in today's episode. I hope you like it! 

Let's Connect

Feel free to reach out anytime with your thoughts or suggestions for future episodes. My direct email is [email protected]


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