No Time in Your Business?

By request, this episode is all about time in your business. Today we are going to look at:

4 effects of time on your business
3 reasons why you need to harness time and get it working FOR you
4 reasons why you're feeling time poor
3 strategies that you can use to get yourself and your business back on track!

This topic always sounds a bit dull and boring but you're right - it is SUCH a big issue for so many entrepreneurs, private practice owners and business owners. If after hearing this episode, you'd like to learn more about these strategies and how to get them implemented in your business, I'd love to help. I share these tools and more in my workshops and I have a few coming up in September

The website has loads of information and has recently been updated - I'd love to know what you think. It's your feedback that has resulted in these great changes, so thank you! 

PS: If you like to grab your own copy of 6 Powerful Affirmations for Success Entrepreneurs, you can do so here. 

Thanks for listening,
