S1 E4

One of the lesser spoken about elements of successful manifestation, is the concept of Letting Go of the How. So many times in life, we are programmed or conditioned to think that we must be busy in order to manifest the business! But that's not true and I'm going to show you why and how.

In this episode:

Learn about what it means to 'let go'
Find out how releasing the how opens the door for your desires to enter
Learn how to let go and use the strategy that worked best for me
Be inspired by a real story!
I'll gift you an Affirmation that you can start to use to help bust through a common limiting belief and help you step into your power!

Want more?!

Get FREE access to my new book by getting your name on the Pre-Release List
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Email me here: [email protected]

Who is Brooklyn Storme?

I'm the Director of the Law of Attraction Institute, Psychologist and a Law of Attraction coach. After completing my PhD in Psychology and absolutely LOVING all things to do with behaviour, the mind, the relationship between thoughts and feelings, I came across Law of Attraction and to me, it felt like the perfect marriage of two unique and impactful areas. I couldn't help but study LOA and over time, I began writing articles, started a Facebook Group and have written a book and now this podcast. It's my latest addiction because it really brings to a happy life, the missing pieces from Psychology. Now, being able to combine the two, clients are experiencing amazing happiness, greater clarity, improved confidence and well-being and are back in control of their lives. And that's why I do this - I love seeing them get results and YOU CAN TOO!