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Nadine Wathen, PhD (; @NadineWathen) is Full Professor at The University of Western Ontario, a Research Scholar at Western’s Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children (, and a Member of the College of the Royal Society of Canada.

Her research examines the health and social service sector response to violence against women and children, interventions to reduce health inequities, and the science of knowledge mobilization, with a focus on partnerships to enhance the use of research in policy and practice.

The Burnt Out Experience

Nadine admits that she isn't sure whether she's actually burnt out in her life or not, but as a teen, undergrad student, and elsewhere, Nadine experienced a lack of alignment with her values when she was learning, researching, or working in certain areas. 

She calls it a "slippage." 

It was fairly exhausting to not be aligned. 

Nadine also experiences compassion fatigue in her line of work. While she isn't specifically talking with victims of violence, her research exposes her to heavy life stories and in large quantities. The consistent exposure to hardship causes her to drain her emotional capacity for her work. Can you imagine? 

How did she deal? Self Care


Finding time for self care is so important. No one can reiterate this enough. 

What type of self care is up to you, so do research, try it out, and find what works to recharge you. Just take the time and make it happen! 

Align Yourself

Find the work, the school courses, and the situations that align with your values. 

Obviously everyone has to do things they don't feel passionate about, but within your scope of control, do the things that fit with your values.


Believe in what you're doing - Align yourself!

Notable Quotes

“Unload the guilt - it's toxic."

Nadine Wathen, PhD (; @NadineWathen) is Full Professor at The University of Western Ontario, a Research Scholar at Western’s Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children (, and a Member of the College of the Royal Society of Canada.

Her research examines the health and social service sector response to violence against women and children, interventions to reduce health inequities, and the science of knowledge mobilization, with a focus on partnerships to enhance the use of research in policy and practice.

The Burnt Out Experience

Nadine admits that she isn't sure whether she's actually burnt out in her life or not, but as a teen, undergrad student, and elsewhere, Nadine experienced a lack of alignment with her values when she was learning, researching, or working in certain areas. 

She calls it a "slippage." 

It was fairly exhausting to not be aligned. 

Nadine also experiences compassion fatigue in her line of work. While she isn't specifically talking with victims of violence, her research exposes her to heavy life stories and in large quantities. The consistent exposure to hardship causes her to drain her emotional capacity for her work. Can you imagine? 

How did she deal? Self Care


Finding time for self care is so important. No one can reiterate this enough. 

What type of self care is up to you, so do research, try it out, and find what works to recharge you. Just take the time and make it happen! 

Align Yourself

Find the work, the school courses, and the situations that align with your values. 

Obviously everyone has to do things they don't feel passionate about, but within your scope of control, do the things that fit with your values.


Believe in what you're doing - Align yourself!

Notable Quotes

“Unload the guilt - it's toxic."