Note: Sorry for the late episode this week! Being a reality denier sounds easy on paper but in practice it comes with a lot of red tape. Expect episodes to be a day or two late for the next couple weeks.

As our transition to fully acquiring the Friends Against Government properties comes to a close and merged realities begin to settle, we decide to bring on one of the funniest liberty Twitter guys around, [name redacted], to see if he has what it takes to be the Kyle that any multi-dimensional podcast needs. We're all pretty exhausted from navigating a world of conflicting podcast realities, so we were hoping that the Kyle replacement this week could carry the episode like he usually does, but it turns out that [name redacted], while hilarious and fun-loving, needs to warm up to people before opening up to them and trusting them - so like a baby deer being coaxed into your trust with a handful of poisonous berries, we slowly but surely enticed him into joking with us with a handful of malicious doxxing blackmail threats.

Which unfortunately also means that we were asked to not mention his name in the show notes. So if you want to know who the guest is, you're gonna have to bear through the episode like we did.

This week's closing song is X Gon' Give It To Ya by DMX


Call our voicemail box at ‪(312) 574-0765 and we'll play your message on the next show


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