If you were stranded on a desert island, what would you do for a 6pc chicken nuggies or a double cheeseburger?

Would you... kill?

Bonesaw577 has had quite a wild ride in life but he's always known he wanted to make games. We talk about his journey up to the release of Manny's, his first game (out now, click below) including his love of Spider-Man, Venom, the horror series Siren, being a speedrunner and living in Japan!

Follow him here:


Get Manny's here:


Site - https://thebonemeal.com/

Also check out:

Molly - https://www.mollyart.work/

indy. - https://open.spotify.com/artist/6bJFTV8wnebA2QOm6nfRuE

--Intro theme is Micro Invasion – Mendhoan – Intro (Mendhoan) / CC BY-NC-SA 3.0--

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