Guts has arrived and it's time for the blood to flow. Casca finds herself the queen of a cult, a demonic goatman is on the attack and we learn some uncomfortable truths about Farnese...

Chapters discussed:

143. "Pillar of Flame" (炎の柱, Honō no Hashira)
144. "The Black Swordsman on Holy Ground" (聖地の黒い剣士, Seichi no Kuroi Kenshi)
145. "Straying" (迷走, Meisō)
146. "Ambition Boy" (野望少年, Yabō Shōnen)
147. "Den of Evil" (魔窟, Makutsu)
148. "The Reunion" (再会, Saikai)
149. "Ambush" (伏兵, Fukuhei)
150. "The Cliff" (断崖, Dangai)
151. "Captives" (虜囚, Ryoshū)
152. "The Iron Maiden" (鉄の処女, Tetsu no Shojo)
153. "Blood Flow of the Dead (1)" (亡者の血流(1), Mōja no Ketsuryū (1))
154. "Blood Flow of the Dead (2)" (亡者の血流(2), Mōja no Ketsuryū (2))