This was a historic event for womenkind. Possibly the most important event have ever happened for the fairer sex! The first ever Lady Bull Session! Kate, Katy, Jen and Sam were dazzled by my manly knowledge, and added some very good insight! They also decided that they wouldn't shoot me for my sexist comments, so I've got that going for me...which is nice! This was a fun one, enjoy!


Featured Music

Why'd You Come In Here Lookin' Like That - Dolly Parton



Stetson Ranch Beef

Loma Livestock

Matt Wilson Handmade Bridle Bits


Go Follow 

Black Dragon Cattle

Black Dragon Cattle Website

Kate Bowen

Katy Hanlon

Sam Buhrig

Jese Stetson

Loma Livestock

Matt Wilson

Ranch Factor Television

@moveyerass - Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat






[email protected]

Spotify Playlists

Featured Music Playlist

Requests Playlist


This was a historic event for womenkind. Possibly the most important event have ever happened for the fairer sex! The first ever Lady Bull Session! Kate, Katy, Jen and Sam were dazzled by my manly knowledge, and added some very good insight! They also decided that they wouldn't shoot me for my sexist comments, so I've got that going for me...which is nice! This was a fun one, enjoy!


Featured Music

Why'd You Come In Here Lookin' Like That - Dolly Parton



Stetson Ranch Beef

Loma Livestock

Matt Wilson Handmade Bridle Bits


Go Follow 

Black Dragon Cattle

Black Dragon Cattle Website

Kate Bowen

Katy Hanlon

Sam Buhrig

Jese Stetson

Loma Livestock

Matt Wilson

Ranch Factor Television

@moveyerass - Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat






[email protected]

Spotify Playlists

Featured Music Playlist

Requests Playlist


Twitter Mentions