Previous Episode: I Decided to Go

This weekend, we begin a series about "Those People". You know who I am talking about. We all know "those people". Matter of fact, at some point in our lives, we have all been "those people". All of us have been needy, critical, manipulative or hypocritical. We have simply been difficult to get along with, difficult to live with.

We will focus this week on "those people" who are overly-needy. People who are chronically and consistently in need. People who will sap the life out of you if you let them. People who will abuse your kindness and take advantage of your generosity. No matter what, you can't do enough for them.

We will learn the difference between relief and restoration and how we can minister to people without enabling them. Maybe you should bring that overly-needy person in your life this weekend, so they can see the light. Or maybe, you might figure out that you are that person. Don't miss "Those People".