Sunday, as we conclude "Those People", we will be looking at those who are critical and hurtful. Those folks who nit-pick, who are very negative, and find constant fault with anything that we do. We find those people everywhere we go; at home, at work, in the shopping mall and even at church. Often, we empower them to rob us of our confidence, our self-esteem and our happiness. Nothing that we do pleases them and they are not shy in expressing their opinion. We all have "those people" in our lives; and frankly, sometimes we become that person. May I remind you that it is a tough world out there and plenty of criticism and negativity to go around. Thus, we need more words of affirmation and encouragement, especially in the church. What did your mama teach you when you were young, "If you can't say something good about somebody, then don't say anything at all". Turns out that was not only right, it's also scriptural.