In this episode of the Burlap Podcast, Chris Folmsbee and Paul Sheneman discuss some recent Burlap research on millennials and the Bible. Chris provides some insightful tips for us to engage millennials with God’s story. And we end with a list of resources that will equip church leaders desiring to dig into the insights shared.

Some Stats from this Episode

2 out of 3 millennials just think it’s another book.

Over 27% of millennials think that the Bible is a dangerous book of dogma used to oppress people.

In ThinkBurlap research, 28% of millennials see the Bible as fiction and not relevant for their life.

Resources Mentioned in this Episode

Lesslie Newbigin : A Walk Through the BibleVaughan Roberts : God’s Big PictureDialogue Tip – Add a third person to a conversation and ask them at the end, “Was I having a conversation?”N.T. Wright : Surprised by Hope (Suggestion: Read it during Lent as a preparation for Easter and to help you engage millennials with the hope of the resurrection)

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