A look at some supposed ghosts and creepy cemeteries in Beacon, NY, as well as some haunting aspects of the area's recent history. 

A feeling of uneasiness permeates the beautiful town of Beacon, NY. It's a city of industrial ruins, cemeteries (including a terrifying abandoned one), and the memories of a sanatorium for the ultra wealthy and an old asylum for mentally ill criminals. Deep woods surround the city, and mountains loom, adding to a sense of natural beauty, or, possibly, of claustrophobia and a feeling of being watched.

Highlights include:
• A figure that my wife saw in my footage from an abandoned cemetery
• Supposed cemetery hauntings
• Zelda Fitzgerald's stay in a sanatorium in Beacon

For the shownotes and sources, visit buriedsecretspodcast.com.

Bail fund to get vulnerable people out of Rikers Island: https://emergencyreleasefund.com/More information about what's happening on Rikers Island: https://theintercept.com/2021/09/16/rikers-jail-crisis-de-blasio-reforms/