maybe you found this page through a fluke. maybe you found it by recommendation of one the cast and crew members. maybe you saw our chalk advertisments. However you found this page, I'm sorry that you came to it with nothing on it. Keep checking in, and in a few weeks you will start seeing clips of the upcoming world broadcast event BUNNY INFERNO! before anyone else gets to see it. The mayhem will ensue soon.

If you don't want to just have to remember to check the site periodically, we will have an RSS feed coming up that you can subscribe to, to receive updates and clips when they happen. If it isn't up already by the time you see this message (check on the left side coulmn) then check back in a day or two.

As for the clips, we are merely waiting for the score to be finished, and then we'll start putting them up. More on that as it happens.

We can't talk too much about the project now, because our contract is still in negotiations, save what we've told you already: Yes, it WILL be a world broadcast event. More on this when we have it for you.

Thanks for your interest. Check in later. And prepare to be fucked. In BOTH eyeballs!
