Welcome to BuiltOnAir, a podcast and video series about all things Airtable. Each episode, we talk with someone active in the Airtable community to discuss their experiences and showcase an interesting way they’ve used Airtable in their work.

In this episode, we’re joined by Kuovonne Vorderbruggen, who discusses with us her journey from teaching herself coding to ultimately producing multiple scripts recognized by Airtable and the Airtable Community for their merit. Drawing on her experience as a technical writer, Kuovonne’s scripts come well-documented with detailed explanations of the script’s methodology, and have a consistent, intuitive structure which makes them easy to follow. We discuss the joys and headaches that come with problem-solving through coding. Later, Kuovonne shares her spectacular process to create preformatted, multi-page PDFs using a combination of Airtable, Excel, Microsoft Access, and Word. With Airtable as the user-friendly database, Kuovonne shows us how she’s able to ultimately get dozens of records exported from Airtable to be displayed perfectly with rich text in Word with the aid of Visual Basic coding. While it’s a bit of a complicated process, it’s an excellent example of how Airtable can be used as just one step in a larger workflow to accomplish something great.

Visit Kuovonne’s website and portfolio

Check out a couple of Kuovonne’s scripts shared on the Airtable Community forums:

New Record Wizard

Delete Empty Records

Record Info Helper Function

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Openside's newest product, On2Air Forms, is the Airtable forms solution you've been looking for. For a limited time, get On2Air Forms FREE when you purchase the On2Air Actions Zapier connector at openside.com