Sick of hearing about COVID-19? We get it, but it does give us a chance to take a look at ourselves and evaluate our assumptions. We'll talk about bulkheads/partitions, explore one switching solution, and talk about the bizarre Craters of the Moon. Oh, and the joy of tiny inverters!

COVID-19: This the BEST resource 
What can COVID-19 teach us?
Why do we choose #vanlife? A disruption can show us many things about ourselves that we didn't know, and reinforce the things we did know. 

TECH TALK: Bulkheads
Yes, you should strongly consider having a partition between the front and back of your van. 
American Van, probably the premiere source for bulkheads. 

A PLACE TO VISIT: Craters of the Moon

Idaho's World Wonder, Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve 

PRODUCT REVIEW: Tiny Inverters

 Do you really need that massive 2000 watt inverter? Maybe not.

A really nice one for only $15 (with coupon):

Q&A - Which Switches Did You Use?
Erica asked, here's the answer:
That's not exactly what I have, but it's close.