Want to know how to expand your business’s reach and party at the same time? It’s simple- start live screen printing! My company Shirt Agency waited almost three years before offering live screen printing services for events and the effects on our growth have been phenomenal. I only wish we had started sooner. Live printing engages your audience and strikes conversations with potential customers in an open and friendly atmosphere. Everybody deep down wants to make their own t-shirt and setting up a live printing station transforms a simple giveaway tee into a story the party goers are happy to share with friends. This episode is our step by step guide to setup and manage live printing at parties and concerts.

Powered by ShirtAgency.com | The Best Printing and Fulfillment in Los Angeles. Come to our SCREENPRINTING CLASS in LA- https://www.screenprinting.com/screen-print-experience-class-ca or check out the ThreadX conference- https://sgia.swoogo.com/threadx/