This is the second part of our two-episode conversation with three leaders whose stories were featured in The Collective Wisdom of High Performing Women: Leadership Lessons from the Judy Project.


Last time, we discussed the origin and objectives of the Judy Project and Collective Wisdom. We also explored how others perceive success and ambition in both men and women, the impact of gender on our guests’ careers, and the evolving characteristics of successful leaders. You can listen to Part 1 here.


In this episode, Colleen Moorehead, Beth Wilson, and Shelly Lazarus return to discuss:


The value of diversity in the workplace, biases and blind spots that men may not recognize, advice for young women entering the workforce today, the challenge and opportunity of reinvention, and the power of storytelling.


Colleen Moorehead is the Chief Client Officer at Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP


Beth Wilson is the Canada CEO of Dentons


Shelly Lazarus is Chairman Emeritus and former CEO of Ogilvy


You can find more episodes of Building Bridges here.