Confucius said that learning without reflection is a waste; reflection without learning is dangerous. We agree.

In this special episode of the Building Bridges Podcast we take a step back to reflect on what we have learned so far. The episode weaves together excerpts from previous discussions around eight key points:

The nature of work is changing. Risk is unavoidable; organizations need to accept that and make choices in spite of the risks. It’s important to understand systems in a holistic way if you want to make change. Innovation requires both commitment and experimentation. We can expect new roles to emerge over time. Leaders are often only as good as their teams. Large companies often struggle to be entrepreneurial, but smaller companies need to respect what they can gain from larger organizations too. A good leader is open-minded, humble, and always learning and growing.

We encourage you to reflect on these themes—and to go back and listen to any of the thought-provoking conversations you might have missed. For a complete list, go to