Workplace drama can affect every aspect of business: Employee engagement, productivity, teamwork, customer service, and, ultimately, your bottom line. And from frontline managers to top-level executives, leaders often do not realize how much they themselves actually contribute to the conflict and drama within their workplaces.

Everyone has blind spots, so it’s critical to evaluate how conflict and drama are showing up in your workplace culture and start addressing these costly issues instead of ignoring them.

No workplace is immune to the effects of drama, so we’ve brought in Marlene Chism, the leading authority on building drama-free cultures, to discuss what leaders at every level can do to address this costly problem.

Marlene is known for helping managers address “the elephant in the room” and initiate conversations that get results. She is a recognized expert on the LinkedIn Global Learning platform, and the author of “Stop Workplace Drama,” “No-Drama Leadership,” and “7 Ways to Stop Drama in Your Healthcare Practice.”

Over the course of this episode, we cover:

Why we need to change the narrative we tell ourselves if we are to manage conflict more effectively What we get wrong about conflict and workplace drama that makes leaders mismanage these situations Why no matter how many “soft skills” you learn, it’s the Inner Game that will ultimately transform your leadership The distinct elements of conflict capacity, and how they can help leaders resolve workplace conflict Moving from command-and-control to servant leadership

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