Leaders, and particularly middle managers, are constantly being challenged. While it’s never been easy to navigate the needs of both the C-Suite and junior staff members, the past few years have created a slew of new priorities and pressures.

From managing remote and hybrid teams and effectively implementing and supporting company DEI priorities to rallying staff during times of crisis and reducing team burnout, the growing complexity of being a manager today can quickly feel overwhelming.

Now, more than ever, managers need to communicate clearly and strengthen workplace connections. And doing so, all starts with respect, according to Dr. Julie Pham. Dr. Pham, the best-selling author of 7 Forms of Respect: A Guide to Transforming Your Communication and Relationships at Work, and the founder of CuriosityBased, joins the podcast to explain how respect is communicated among individuals, teams, and organizations.

In this episode, Dr. Pham guides us through the 7 Forms of Respect framework and shares how it is being used around the world to create more dynamic and highly productive workplaces, and how it can be applied by managers and leaders to articulate priorities, compromise effectively, and reinforce behaviors that support the shared work and goals of the team.

Dr. Pham earned her PhD as a Gates Cambridge Scholar and her “real-life MBA” by running her family’s Vietnamese-language newspaper during the 2008-10 recession. She has worked as a journalist, historian, university lecturer, marketer, nonprofit executive, and management consultant.

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