Leadership transitions can be tough to execute. In fact, more than 40% of executive transitions fail within the first 18 months. And sadly, this isn’t a new phenomenon — which leads us to the big questions of why this keeps occurring and what can organizations do about it.

Joining us this week is Navid Nazemian, an executive coach and unparalleled expert on executive transitions to the C-Suite. Navid is the author of “Mastering Executive Transitions: The Definitive Guide” and has helped the executives at some of the world’s most admired organizations successfully manage transitions into new roles.

Navid’s research identified three major reasons for these failures: people, culture, and politics. It’s not the case that organizations choose incompetent officers, but rather it’s these so-called “soft topics” that most often get in the way! And when transitions go wrong, entire organizations suffer.


Navid's contact info:

Your Twitter URL: https://twitter.com/NavidNazemian
Your LinkedIn URL: https://www.linkedin.com/in/NavidNazemian
Your Instagram URL: https://www.instagram.com/masteringexecutivetransitions/
Website Address: https://www.masteringexecutivetransitions.com/

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