We’ve all heard the expression “culture eats strategy for breakfast.” But what does a strong organizational culture actually look like? It’s about a lot more than just occasional happy hours, pool tables, or free snacks.

When your culture comes from living your core values, it will be the guiding star for your actions and how you attack each day with your team.

Marc Reifenrath is the co-founder and CEO of Spinutech, a company that began as a dorm room start-up and is now an award-winning multinational digital agency. Marc takes culture seriously and attributes much of his company’s success to it.

Marc believes that you manage, lead, hire, fire, and solve problems using your core values. When a problem pops up, you evaluate it through this lens: which core value is misaligned here? This extremely quick and effective tactic often gets right to the root cause of the problem – and solutions suggest themselves almost automatically.

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