Forbes, NBC, TIME, NPR, Executive Producer & Director of the "YES Movie"

LIVE from London! The movie features over 30 daring entrpreneurs including Les Brown, Mark Victor Hansen, Farrah Gray, Bob Proctor & T. Harv Eker. He is also CEO of "The Young Entrepreneur Society" online. He & I mastermind about the Importance of Mentorship & Entrpreneurship. Louis became the youngest sales manager for a publically traded telecommunications company and opened his own sales office at the age of 23 in Tampa Florida.

After a year of hiring, training and coaching over 30 salespeople (all older than him) for this publically traded telecommunications company, Louis realized his real passion in life was helping people be successful in life…not just selling telecom services. That is when Louis began working for Motivational Guru Tony Robbins where he learned to hone his coaching craft for maximum results for his clients and later for Sales Guru Tom Hopkins. After about a year of aggressive training and coaching, Louis knew it was time to fly on his own and start his own results based coaching business.

Louis invests many tens of thousands of dollars every year and travels around the globe seeking out the masters, experts, gurus, seminars, workshops, events and experiences in the areas of mind, body, finances, relationships and spirit so he can share cutting edge accelerated strategies for rapid achievement, immediate transformation and lasting fulfillment with you.,

See you on my New Facebook Page ~